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Prominent fitness influencer and gym owner Natalee Barnett has recently declared that her forthcoming gym in Wandsworth, South London, will be exclusive to “biological women”.
This announcement triggered a wave of backlash online, with numerous commenters accusing Barnett of transphobia. Reflecting on her previous commitment in 2021 to welcome trans women to her gym, The Girls Spot, many expressed disappointment.
“If you have an issue with trans women attending my gym, you are welcome to find another place to work out,” Barnett declared on X (formerly Twitter).
Having experienced assault at the gym at 18, Barnett, now 25, aimed to create a fitness sanctuary prioritizing the safety of women. She intended to offer a space dedicated to strength and well-being rather than merely weight loss. Discontented with the inadequate resources in “malnourished” women’s spaces elsewhere, Barnett set her sights on building The Girls Spot.
A Met Police report logged 331 reported incidents of rape and sexual harassment in London gyms from 2018 to 2022. Recent surveys from 2023 in the UK and US indicated that over half of women feel unsafe or intimidated in gyms, with only 7% of incidents reported to authorities.
Barnett garnered support for her initiative and launched a GoFundMe campaign to fund her women-only studio. The fitness influencer, boasting 2.5 million Instagram followers, raised an impressive £22,900 and has been sharing updates on the gym’s progress.
In a viral video this week, Barnett described a shift in her vision for The Girls Spot. “When I initially announced my plans in 2021, I hadn’t completely fleshed out what it would mean,” she explained. “The Girls Spot now serves as a refuge for women facing gym harassment and violence — a reality I know all too well as a victim.”
Many social media users have questioned Barnett’s motivations, pointing out that she accepted donations under the assumption of creating an inclusive space for trans women, with some calling for refunds.
Critics have voiced their disappointment, claiming they would not have donated to the GoFundMe if they were aware of the gym’s exclusion of trans women.
In her video response, Barnett stated that her gym will be exclusively for “biological women,” adding that classes on self-defense and other events would be tailored specifically for their needs, implying that these offerings may not suit trans women.
“I spent considerable time and resources, including legal advice, to reach this decision, which was made diligently, not out of malice, but to ensure a safe environment for women who have encountered trauma and harassment,” she mentioned in an Instagram post.
This statement received backlash. Many expressed their disappointment that a designated safe space is being pulled back, particularly as gyms often serve as locations where trans individuals experience the most unwanted attention.
Notably, JK Rowling publicly supported Barnett’s decision on X, stating, “‘Let us in your gym or we’ll kill you,’ eh? These men pose no threat to women at all.”
Barnett clarified, “I absolutely do not mean to undermine the adversities faced by trans women; they deserve safe spaces as well. We all warrant kindness and respect in our journeys.”
Supporters on X chimed in, asserting the need for a space dedicated to women, suggesting that those desiring gyms for trans women should establish their own.
Members of the LGBTQ+ community have raised concerns, calling out perceived hypocrisy regarding safety. One user remarked that many cisgender women often seek refuge in queer spaces yet are resistant to reciprocating that openness.
Further, social media users have questioned how Barnett plans to enforce this new policy for her gym’s members, with trans rights activist and broadcaster India Willoughby humorously querying if Barnett will conduct “undie inspections” on women who “appear trans.”
In response to the backlash, Barnett shared her thoughts on Instagram, addressing the toxicity that can manifest online. “As a young black woman striving to create safe spaces for women, I acknowledge my limitations in addressing a broader societal issue,” she expressed.
Barnett cited challenging business decisions and financial constraints as factors that influenced her change in direction, detailing that while she had earlier claimed trans inclusivity, actual donations had been modest, with a significant portion of her contributions coming from her personal finances.
“I allocated £50,000 of my own resources to materialize The Girls Spot, and I understand that some donors may feel differently about the updated direction of the gym operations, and I want to honor that sentiment,” she stated.
Barnett has offered to refund donations via GoFundMe for those who no longer support The Girls Spot and intends to proceed with her vision for a women-exclusive space, preparing for its anticipated opening later this year.
“To the trans women who contributed or supported this venture, I sincerely apologize for any misrepresentation,” expressed a disappointed follower.