When you’re on the hunt for auto insurance, don’t forget to inquire about any discounts that you might be eligible for. Numerous car insurance providers offer savings for various reasons, such as loyalty for long-term customers, membership in professional organizations, or having particular safety features installed in your vehicle. If your policy includes a teenage driver, make sure to ask about discounts tailored for good students or for college students residing away from home without a car.

Could Telematics Insurance Help You Save?
If you prioritize safe driving, telematics insurance might be a way for you to reduce your premium. Often referred to as usage-based insurance, these programs monitor your driving behavior via a mobile app or a device that plugs into your vehicle.
Source: MAPFRE Insurance
With telematics insurance, you may qualify for lower premiums by avoiding late-night driving or excessive speeding. While some insurance companies won’t offer discounts for risky driving behavior while participating in a telematics program, others might increase your rate.
Allstate DrivewiseⓇ is noteworthy for providing significant discounts and ensuring that your auto insurance premium won’t rise due to poor driving habits. On the other hand, State Farm’s Drive Safe & Save™ discount is perfect for those who don’t drive frequently.