Arvind Kejriwal, the former Chief Minister of Delhi, has made a noteworthy announcement directed at women in the capital as part of the Aam Aadmi Party’s (AAP) election campaign. He disclosed today that every registered woman in Delhi will be eligible for a monthly financial assistance of ₹1,000, which is expected to rise to ₹2,100 if the AAP triumphs in the upcoming assembly elections scheduled for February 2025.
Details of the Initiative
Monthly Financial Aid: The initiative, known as the Mukhyamantri Mahila Samman Yojana, aims to provide ₹1,000 monthly for women aged 18 and above. Following the elections, this amount will increase to ₹2,100 should AAP emerge victorious.
Eligibility and Registration: Women who wish to take part in this financial aid scheme must complete the registration process, which will commence on December 13, 2024. To qualify, applicants need to possess a voter ID card and be residents of Delhi. However, women who are taxpayers or already receive other forms of government assistance will not qualify for this new scheme.
Timeline for Implementation: While the registration for the financial assistance program will start soon, Kejriwal clarified that payouts will only begin after the election results are published. He noted that immediate fund transfers are not feasible due to the upcoming elections.
Reactions and Background
Kejriwal indicated that numerous women had expressed their concerns about the adequacy of ₹1,000 in light of ongoing inflation. This input resulted in the commitment to increase the amount to ₹2,100. He framed the initiative as critical support for women, who play vital roles in their families and communities.
In his address, Kejriwal took aim at the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), claiming that they have delayed the implementation of such beneficial schemes and attempted to undermine his administration. He described this financial support not merely as a “freebie” but essential assistance for women in Delhi.
Political Significance
This announcement is viewed as a strategic effort by AAP to attract the support of women voters, a significant demographic in Delhi’s electorate. Approximately 7 million women are included among the city’s 15.3 million voters, making this initiative potentially crucial for AAP’s campaign strategies.
Kejriwal concluded by encouraging women to back his party in the elections, stressing that their support is vital for establishing a robust government that can fulfill its commitments. As Delhi prepares for the elections, this scheme reflects AAP’s ongoing emphasis on social welfare efforts designed to empower women and meet their financial needs amid challenging economic conditions.