You’ll likely find at least four parenting books on my Amazon wish list at any moment, with a few of them nestled beside my bed, and my email overflowing with insightful parenting theories and strategies.
While my profession revolves around child development, I frequently encounter parents in my practice who share similar experiences. In a world teeming with information and cultural messages—often conflicting—about the best ways to raise children, many parents struggle to feel like they’re nurturing their kids with confidence and intention.
As a family therapist, I often witness well-meaning parents adopting strategies that fail to meet their children’s emotional and developmental needs. Conversely, I also see an inspiring increase in parents discovering healthier and more effective ways to raise their children.
10 Valuable Insights from Exceptional Parents
These insights, gathered over time and informed by personal experience, align with contemporary research on brain and behavioral development, highlighting what parenting approaches most effectively promote healthy childhood growth.
1. Remember: Kids Are Kids
Parents sometimes overlook the fact that children learn through trial and error. They make mistakes and exhibit immature behavior. The real magic occurs when a nurturing caregiver steps in to gently guide them toward the right path. It’s natural for parents to feel frustrated by whining or back talk, but remember: this is simply how children are wired.
The area of the brain responsible for logic, reasoning, and impulse control isn’t fully matured until well into a person’s mid-20s.
Childlike behavior is entirely normal for young individuals with developing brains, and recognizing this scientific reality helps us to remain patient and supportive when guiding our children through challenges.
2. Establish Respectful Limits
Since children need to learn virtually everything about the world from us, they will encounter numerous limits daily. Without appropriate boundaries, kids may feel anxious and overwhelmed.
Limits can be enforced either through criticism and shame or through firm yet respectful communication. Reflect on how you prefer to be addressed at work and apply that principle when setting boundaries for your child.
3. Be Mindful of Developmental Stages
Have you ever wondered where your easy-going toddler went when they suddenly began screaming at drop-off time? Hello, separation anxiety!
Children undergo countless normal and healthy transitions on their path to adulthood. Acknowledging these phases can put puzzling behaviors into perspective and help you respond with understanding and support.
4. Understand Your Child’s Unique Temperament
This may seem obvious, but knowing your child’s individuality equips you with better insight into when they require extra support and when they will flourish.
Once you grasp what drives your child, navigating situations like finding the ideal environment for homework or understanding your child’s desire to come home early from camp becomes significantly easier.
5. Provide Ample Unstructured Playtime
Unless you’ve studied play therapy, you may not fully appreciate the immense power of play. Through play, children learn and develop in countless ways. Hence, it’s crucial to incorporate unstructured, child-led exploration of the world into their daily routine.
6. Know When to Speak Up and When to Listen
Children can become adept problem solvers if we allow them the space to do so. Our love for them sometimes drives us to intervene by lecturing or criticizing, but by holding back our responses and granting them the opportunity to think things through, we empower them.
Feeling heard and understood is incredibly therapeutic for kids, just as it is for adults.
7. Cultivate Your Identity Beyond Parenthood
While our children may indeed be our world, as parents, it’s essential to maintain friendships, hobbies, and passions that nurture our individual selves.
Though it may feel daunting to prioritize self-care amidst parental responsibilities, doing so keeps us grounded and prevents us from unintentionally placing the burden of our emotional needs on our children.
8. Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Your interactions with your child and your lifestyle serve as the most profound lessons for them. Kids are astute observers, often picking up on cues we underestimate.
This realization might be slightly inconvenient, but acknowledging that our actions teach our children not only shapes their behavior but also fosters our personal growth.
9. Emphasize Fun and Connection
Understand that connection, creativity, and joy are the best pathways to fostering positive behaviors and cooperation. While fear-based parenting may seem effective in the moment, it doesn’t equip children with lasting moral understanding or problem-solving skills. When children feel valued in our interactions, they naturally learn to extend that value to others.
10. Aim to Shape Hearts, Not Just Behavior
We often feel societal pressure to raise obedient, well-behaved children. While these traits are admirable, they don’t necessarily foster a happy and healthy individual. Helping our children recognize their own thoughts and feelings equips them with essential coping and relationship skills that will guide them throughout life.
Transforming our parenting approaches is never an easy task, but when it benefits our children, it is always worth the effort. Use these ten insights from remarkable parents as a stepping stone toward building a deeper and more meaningful bond with your child.